Reza Rezaï

Reza Rezaï

Détails :

Literary arts, Visual arts

Niveau scolaire : pre k, k, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Langue : english and french, Farsi (Persian)

Régions : Norman, Parklands, Interlake, Westman, Central Plains, Pembina Valley, Eastman, Capital Region

Contacter :


Reza Rezaï is a Winnipeg based artist , writer + educator. His work as a curator was the subject of a VICE Canada documentary. He has years of experience working as an educator in different institutional settings and community organizations with a diverse body of students. He is currently in the midst of completing his education degree (specializing in visual arts + creative writing) at L'Université de Saint-Boniface.


Reza Rezaï work sample Reza Rezaï work sample Reza Rezaï work sample

Échantillons des projets ou du programme

The river that flows in two directions

The river that flows in two directions is a project that combines photography and poetry. Students will work with a Fuji instax to develop a body of photographs inspired by a series of abstract, defined and textural words. Using their photos as reference, a series of poems will then be created between students (collaboratively) to be presented (orally) in a sharing circle.