Robert Christiani


Visual arts

Grade Level: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Language: english

Regions: Norman, Parklands, Interlake, Westman, Central Plains, Pembina Valley, Eastman, Capital Region



Robert received his Bachelor of Fine Art, (majoring in sculpture) and Bachelor of Education, (Artist in the Community) degrees from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. Late 1970s he relocated from Toronto to Winnipeg where for three and a half years he worked as a preparatory at The Winnipeg Art Gallery.
Passionate about creativity and the human potential movement for the next 30 years he found full time employment as a visual artist/recreation co-ordinator in Manitoba Health Care. There he guided patients to rediscover their creativity as an important part of a balanced and healthy life.
In Manitoba Arts Council’s, Artists in Schools and Artssmarts programs Robert teaches grade 4-12 students about the environmental art movement and the 4 basic techniques for creating sculpture. He is listed with The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning (CNAL) @ Robert’s art can be viewed @

Project Samples

4 Basic Techniques for Creating Sculpture

Assemblage is a three-dimensional construction technique combining various found objects to make the final form. Carving is a subtractive technique meaning to carve or cut away-unwanted material to reveal the final form. Modeling is an additive technique meaning to build up or shape a pliable material into the final form. Casting is a positive/negative technique in which liquid material is poured, shaped,hardened and released from a mold creating the final form.

Environmental Art Movement

With the help of earth, air, fire and water grade 4-12 students will learn how to sculpt three-dimensional objects. They will enjoy exploring and experimenting with natural materials and the 4 elements. The use of the 4 basic sculptural techniques and organic materials will help students improve their relationship with the natural world and develop an understanding and appreciation for the modern Environmental Art Movement. Much environmental art is made to disappear or transform, designed for a particular place and can't be moved or involves collaborations between artists and others, such as scientists, educators or community groups.


Neelin High School, Brandon, grade 11-12 , 2004 "...It shimmers in Brandon students in Neelin High School's Eco-Odyssey program who with their teacher and multi media artist Robert Christiani, embarked on an exploration of Eco-Art sponsored by ArtsSmarts. Through the artist, they learned of morphic resonance and molecular positioning in the natural world, the Mayan calendar, and how human thought and emotion can truly influence our environment."

—Through the Eyes of Art: The Eco-Odyssey Program, ArtsSmarts

St. James Collegiate, Winnipeg, grade 9, 2017 "The three-day program involved students in the career exploration process using the visual art techniques of origami and collage. School Guidance Counsellor, Christina Brophy, and divisional Career Development Teacher, Heather Rose, worked with Manitoba Artist, Robert Christiani..."

—CNTACT St. James-Assiniboia S.D., Spring Issue 2017

Major Pratt School, Russell, gradesK-12, 2007 "It is with thought and contemplation that we decided to access the assistance of Robert Christiani the ECO artist. The knowledge that can be obtained and passed on to the students, staff and town council members from an ECO artist such as Robert is immeasurable."

—River Rock Circle of People, Mary Wood-McNeil (school teacher)